
Monday, October 21, 2013

Cell phone Detector

The circuit can detect both the incoming and outgoing calls, SMS and video transmission even if the mobile phone is kept in the silent mode. The moment the bug detects RF transmission signal from an activated mobile phone, it starts sounding a beep alarm and the LED blinks. The alarm continues until the signal transmission ceases.
An ordinary RF detector using tuned LC circuits is not suitable for detecting signals in the GHz frequency band used in mobile phones. The transmission frequency of mobile phones ranges from 0.9 to 3 GHz with a wavelength of 3.3 to 10 cm. So a circuit detecting gigahertz signals is required for a mobile bug.

Here the circuit uses a 0.22µF disk capacitor (C3) to capture the RF signals from the mobile phone. The lead length of the capacitor is fixed as 18 mm with a spacing of 8 mm between the leads to get the desired frequency. The disk capacitor along with the leads acts as a small gigahertz loop antenna to collect the RF signals from the mobile phone.Op-amp IC CA3130 (IC1) is used in the circuit as a current-to-voltage converter with capacitor C3 connected between its inverting and non-inverting inputs. It is a CMOS version using gate-protected p-channel MOSFET transistors in the input to provide very high input impedance, very low input current and very high speed of performance. The output CMOS transistor is capable of swinging the output voltage to within 10 mV of either supply voltage terminal.

Capacitor C3 in conjunction with the lead inductance acts as a transmission line that intercepts the signals from the mobile phone. This capacitor creates a field, stores energy and transfers the stored energy in the form of minute current to the inputs of IC1. This will upset the balanced input of IC1 and convert the current into the corresponding output voltage.

Capacitor C4 along with high-value resistor R1 keeps the non-inverting input stable for easy swing of the output to high state. Resistor R2 provides the discharge path for capacitor C4. Feedback resistor R3 makes the inverting input high when the output becomes high. Capacitor C5 (47pF) is connected across ‘strobe’ (pin 8) and ‘null’ inputs (pin 1) of IC1 for phase compensation and gain control to optimise the frequency
response.When the cell phone detector signal is detected by C3, the output of IC1 becomes high and low alternately according to the frequency of the signal as indicated by LED1. This triggers monostable timer IC2 through capacitor C7. Capacitor C6 maintains the base bias of transistor T1 for fast switching action. The low-value timing components R6 and C9 produce very short time delay to avoid audio nuisance.

Assemble the cell phone detector circuit on a general purpose PCB as compact as possible and enclose in a small box like junk mobile case. As mentioned earlier, capacitor C3 should have a lead length of 18 mm with lead spacing of 8 mm. Carefully solder the capacitor in standing position with equal spacing of the leads. The response can be optimised by trimming the lead length of C3 for the desired frequency. You may use a
short telescopic type antenna.Use the miniature 12V battery of a remote control and a small buzzer to make the gadget pocket-size. The unit will give the warning indication if someone uses mobile phone
within a radius of 1.5 meters.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Water Level Indicator

Its purpose was to remotely monitor the water-level in a metal tank located in the attic by means of a very simple control unit placed in the kitchen, some floors below.

Mains requirements were:
  • No separate supply for the remote circuit.
  • Main and remote units connected by a thin two-wire cable.
  • Simple LED display for the main unit.
  • Battery operation to avoid problems related to mains supply and water proximity.
  • As the circuit was battery operated a low current consumption was obviously welcomed.
  • The very small remote unit is placed near the tank and measures the water level in three ranges by means of two steel rods. Each range will cover one third of the tank capacity:
  • Almost empty - signaled by means of a red LED (D3) in the control unit display.
  • About half-level - signaled by means of a yellow LED (D2) in the control unit display.
  • Almost full - signaled by means of a green LED (D1) in the control unit display.
  • Circuit operation: When the water-level is below the steel rods, no contact is occurring from the metal can and the rods, which are supported by a small insulated (wooden) board. The small circuit built around IC1 draws no current and therefore no voltage drop is generated across R5. IC2A, IC2B and Q1 are wired as a window comparator and, as there is zero voltage at input pins #2 and #5, D3 will illuminate.
  • When the water comes in contact with the first rod, pin #13 of IC1 will go high, as its input pins #9 to #12 were shorted to negative by means of the water contact. Therefore, R4 will be connected across the full supply voltage and the remote circuit will draw a current of about 9mA. This current will cause a voltage drop of about 0.9V across R5 and the window comparator will detect this voltage and will change its state, switching off D3 and illuminating D2.
  • When the water will reach the second rod, also pin #1 of IC1 will go high for the same reason explained above. Now either R3 and R4 will be connected across the full supply voltage and the total current drawing of the remote circuit will be about 18mA. The voltage drop across R5 will be now about 1.8V and the window comparator will switch off D2 and will drive D1.
  • The battery will last very long because the circuit will be mostly in the off state. Current is needed only for a few seconds when P1 is pushed to check the water-level and one of the LEDs illuminates.
  • The two steel rods must be supported by a small insulated (wooden) board
  • IC1 and R1-R4 are mounted on a small board placed near or on the steel rods support
  • The two-wire cable connecting the remote circuit board to the main control board, i.e. J1 to J2, can be of any size and type (preferably thin for obvious reasons). It can be very long, if necessary.
  • The circuit can be used also with non-metal tanks, provided a third steel rod having the height of the tank will be added and connected to pin #7 of IC1, R3, R4 and J1.
  • The 4012 chip was chosen because it contains two gates and was at hand, but you can use two of the gates contained into 4001, 4011, 4093, 4049, 4069 etc. chips, provided all inputs of each gate are tied together and all inputs of unused gates are connected to the positive rail, leaving output pins open.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Method for autonomous Picking Of Paper Reels

Autonomous forklift handling systems is one of the most interesting research in the last decades. While research fields such as path planning and map building are taking the most significant work for other type of autonomous vehicles, detecting objects that need to move and picking it up becomes one of the most important research fields in autonomous forklifts field.

We in this research had provided an algorithm for detecting paper reels accurate position in paper reels warehouses giving a map of the warehouse itself. Another algorithm is provided for giving the priority of papers that want to be picked up. Finally two algorithms for choosing the most appropriate direction for picking the target reel and for choosing the safest path to reach the target reel without damage it are provided.

While working on the last two algorithms shows very nice results, building map for unknown stake of papers by accumulating maps over time still tricky. In the following pages we will go in detail by the steps that we followed to provide these algorithms started from giving an over view to the problem background and moving through the method that we used or we developed and ending by result.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Structural Test bench Development for DSP Models

The objective of this thesis is the development of a set of library models from which a structural test bench can be created. This thesis also describes creation of the structural test bench using the library of primitive components and Synopsis Graphical Environment, a conventional schematic capture tool. 

This approach has been implemented for two applications:

1) A 2D Image processing algorithm – Infra-Red Search and Track (IRST) .
2) Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR). 

An intelligent interface developed in C combines the structural model with user information which provides for generics and inputs. This thesis also shows how a requirements capture tool can be used to generate generic values.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Pre Paid Energy Meter With Microcontroller Programming

In this project we show that how we interface the digital energy meter to the easy recharge unit and convert this meter into prepaid energy meter. By using this technique we show that how we convert all meter with the prepaid logic. When any concept is prepaid then there is a security of misuse of electricity uses. Normally in every postpaid connection bill is much higher then the prepaid. 

When there is postpaid, no body want t take care of the wastage, but at the end of month when bill is present then bill is paid by the house incharge, small workers in the office, employees in the school, in all the private and govt office no body want to take care of the wastage. So we add some innovative idea to avoid and save this valuable energy for every one.

In this project we use one LCD screen. LCD screen display the balance amount every time, LCD screen not only show the balance amount but at the same time lcd display the unit consumption. When the balance is zero then output is off. Now for continue the voltage we must need to recharge the unit from the mobile phone.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013


The panel board is a single panel or group of panel units designed for assembly in the form of a single panel, including buses and automatic overcurrent devices, and equipped with or without switches for the control of light, heat, or power circuits; It is designed to be placed in a cabinet or cutout box ; and accessible only from the front.

An electrical panel board is a place where power generation can be monitored and the power generated can be distributed.It houses circuit breakers, switches and cont actors also. Electrical Panel Boards are designed and developed using optimum quality raw material procured from reliable sources.these are specifically designed to provide extensive resistance to electric and thermal power.These panels are catering to various needs of automobile and allied industries.

Usually used in commercial and industrial applications similar to the electric panel used in home. The Panel board uses breakers that bolt on rather than clip on and also used for higher voltages such as 277/480. The boards may also have a higher AIC rating which will suffer a larger arc or short.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Remote Controlling of Home Appliances using Mobile Telephony

In modern days, we must use various high-tech machineries and equipments to get our jobs done and make the life easier. These machineries should be controlled by the homeowner from any location as the homeowner might be away from home at workplace or traveling in a different place in the weekend. Thus a system of remote monitoring and controlling are very much necessary.

Smart home is one of these types of system equipped with home appliances which we wish to control smartly from anywhere. Some products are commercially available which allow remote home appliance controlling through internet which is undoubtedly emerging. But it lacks the true sense of real mobility and security, making the remote home appliance controlling a limited term than it is supposed to be.

In search of a true remote and adequately secure solution to be really effective and practicable, mobile telephony is better than any other solutions. Mobile phones have become almost an inseparable part of civil lives today. In this paper we introduce a new mechanism so that the ordinary services of the mobile phones can be leveraged to communicate with and control the home appliances and make our homes a really smart one.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Failures of Distribution Transformer -Remedial Solution

A distribution transformer is a transformer that provides the final voltage transformation in the electric power distribution system, stepping down the voltage used in the distribution lines to the level used by the customer. They are often used for the power supply of facilities outside settlements, such as isolated houses, farmyards or pumping stations at voltages below 30kV. Another application is the power supply of switch heating from the overhead wire of railways electrified with AC. There had been a consistent reduction in failure rate of distribution transformers from 22.9% in 1999-2000 to 17.9% in 2001-02. Subsequently, the trend had reversed and the failure rate increased to 19.4% in 2004-05 in India.

The main factors causing failure of transformers are insulation Failures, design or manufacturing errors, oil contamination, over-loading, line surge, maintenance, explosion, etc. The high rate of failure of secondary distribution transformer in power systems may perhaps be described as 0ne of the tragedies of distribution system management of present times especially in developing countries like India.

One of the remedial solutions to overcome this problem is CSP (completely self-protected technology).The advent of CSP technology has encouraged progressive manufacturers to go in for high performance distribution transformers which mitigate the operation and maintenance problems associated with conventional transformers. CSP technology enables a transformer to protect itself from faults. CSP system has essentially three components. They are primary fuse which is used as internal expulsion fuse for system protection. Secondary circuit breaker is used for over load and secondary fault protection, signal light, the emergency control magnetic trip and surge arrester used for lightning protection. CSP technology also helps in thermal protection to the transformer where maximum oil temperature is limiting constant. The other important function of CSP technology is a use of CSP circuit breaker for secondary fault protection, i.e. for the faults external to the transformer. Hence the construction features consists of circuit breaker, with its major elements of temperature sensing, latching, tripping and current interrupter. One of the most important desired task done by the CSP transformer during engineer is the coordination between the primary fuse and secondary circuit breaker and performing the coordination task. The benefits for CSP technology is low installed cost, less time for installation, safe operation and more reliable service.

Thus CSP technology has paved the way to high performance distribution transformer and better distribution system management.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Scroll a Message On LCD Display

The aim of this project is to scroll a message on  LCD display from a PC or a key board.  This scrolling message board is not a simple  message box. Instead of showing a static text,It scrolls the text to maximize visitors attention.Generally a situation may come where we need to display message from our keyboard on to LCD directly and it is achieved by making an interface from pc to an LED using “ARM processor”. ARM is abbreviated as ADVANCED RISC MACHINE .

  • Switch on the power supply to the transmitter section after making necessary connections. A 230V/50Hz ac is stepped down to 12V/50Hz ac.tis is voltage is fed to a bridge rectifier an filter circuit.
  • The output of filter circuit is fed to IC7812&IC7805  ,the output of 7805 inturn is connected to ARM controller module which works with +5v dc supply.
  • The o/p from pc is given to the i/p of the MAX232,the power supply is given to the pin no 16(Vcc)  & pin no 15(GND),
  • The o/p from the pc is applied to the i/p of the MAX 232 at the pin no 13(RIN)&14(TXOUT).The o/p from the MAX 232 is obtained at the  pin no’s 11(T1IN),12(R1OUT),10(T2IN),9(R2OUT).
  • The o/p from the MAX232 is given as the  i/p to the ARM controller.
  • The power supply to  ARM controller is given to the Vcc at the pin no’s (7,23,43,51) & GND at the pin no’s(6,25,42,50).The o/p from the MAX 232  has been given to the P0.0 –TXD0(pin no 19),P0.1-RXD0(pin no 21),P0.8-TXD1(pin no 33),P0.9-RXD1(pin no 34).The crystal oscillator is connected to the pin no 3 (RTCXTL1)&pin no 5 (RTCXTL2) to the ARM controller.
  • The  o/p of the ARM controller is applied to LCD.
  • The power supply is given to the pin no 2 to Vcc and 1 to GND,the o/p from the ARM  controller is  applied to i/p of the lcd pin no’s from 4 to 14 .Pin no 4 is connected to pin no 37  (P0.11-CTS1/CAP1.1/SCL1),pin no 5 is connected to pin no 38(P0.12-DSR1/MAT 1.0/AD 1.3) ,pin no 6 is connected to pin no 39(P0.13-DTR1/MAT 1.1/AD 1.4),pin no 7 is connected to  pin 16(P1.16-TRACEPKT0), pin no 8 is connected to  pin 12(P1.17-TRACEPKT1), pin no 9 is connected to  pin 8 (P1.18-TRACEPKT2), pin no 10 is connected to  pin 4(P1.19-TRACEPKT3), pin no 11 is connected to  pin 48(P1.20-TRACESYNC), pin no 12 is connected to  pin 44(P1.21-PIPESTAT0), pin no 13 is connected to  pin 40(P1.22-PIPESTAT1), pin no 14 is connected to  pin 36(P1.23-PIPESTAT2).
  • Finally the o/p is display on the LCD screen.

Saturday, October 12, 2013


To be able to understand and implement the construction of a PV system with control scheme using simulink in mat lab. To know how the different blocks that make up the PV system can be constructed separately and connected together to make a complete PV system.

To understand how simulink tool boxes can be used in implementing a dc to dc converter that is used to control a PV system shows a boost converter  model made up of an input Dc source, an inductor at the input to keep the current steady and reduce current ripples, a Mosfet switch, a capacitor at the output to keep the voltage steady and reduce voltage ripples and  a  resistive load .

above shows the PWM generator that has been created by a combination of various function blocks. The PWM is made up a of a pulse generator for input pulses of amplitude 2. In other to get desired amplitude of 1 and -1 for the pulse with to be generated, a constant block is added and together with pulse generator fed into the input of a subtractor. The output from the subtractor is amplified by a gain of 50e-6 and this is fed into an integrator to obtain a triangular waveform. The triangular waveform at the output of the integrator is compared to a constant duty ratio of 0.5. The results of the comparison is square wave which is positive when the triangular wave is less than the duty ratio an negative when the triangular wave is greater than the constant duty ratio.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Compressed Sampling for High Frequency Receivers Applications

In digital signal processing field, for recovering the signal without distortion, Shannon sampling theory must be fulfilled in the traditional signal sampling. However, in some practical applications, it is becoming an obstacle because of the dramatic increase of the costs due to increased volume of the storage and transmission as a function of frequency for sampling.

Therefore, how to reduce the number of the sampling in analog to digital conversion (ADC) for wide band and how to compress the large data effectively has been becoming major subject for study. Recently, a novel technique, so-called “compressed sampling”, abbreviated as CS, has been proposed to solve the problem. This method will capture and represent compressible signals at a sampling rate significantly lower than the Nyquist rate.

This paper not only surveys the theory of compressed sampling, but also simulates the CS with the software Matlab. The error between the recovered signal and original signal for simulation is around -200dB. The attempts were made to apply CS. The error between the recovered signal and original one for experiment is around -40 dB which means the CS is realized in a certain extent.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Implementation of MIMO-OFDM System for WiMAX

Error free transmission is one of the main aims in wireless communications. With the increase in multimedia applications, large amount of data is being transmitted over wireless communications. This requires error free transmission more than ever and to achieve error free transmission multiple antennas can be implemented on both stations i.e. base station and user terminal with proper modulation scheme and coding technique. The 4th generation of wireless communications can be attained by Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) in combination with Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM).

MIMO multiplexing (spatial multiplexing) and diversity (space time coding) having OFDM modulation scheme are the main areas of focus in our thesis study. MIMO multiplexing increases a network capacity by splitting a high signal rate into multiple lower rate streams. MIMO allows higher throughput, diversity gain and interference reduction. It also fulfills the requirement by offering high data rate through spatial multiplexing gain and improved link reliability due to antenna diversity gain.

Alamouti Space Time Block Code (STBC) scheme is used with orthogonal designs over multiple antennas which showed simulated results are identical to expected theoretical results. With this technique both Bit Error Rate (BER) and maximum diversity gain are achieved by increasing number of antennas on either side. This scheme is efficient in all the applications where system capacity is limited by multipath fading.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Robust Torque Control for Automated Gear Shifting in Heavy Duty Vehicles

In an automated manual transmission it is desired to have zero torque in the transmission when disengaging a gear. This minimizes the oscillations in the driveline which increases the comfort and makes the speed synchronization easier. The automated manual transmission system in a Scania truck, called Opticruise, uses engine torque control to achieve zero torque in the transmission.

In this thesis different control strategies for engine torque control are proposed in order to minimize the oscillations in the driveline and increase the comfort during a gear shift. A model of the driveline is developed in order to evaluate the control strategies. The main focus was to develop controllers that are easy to implement and that are robust enough to be used in different driveline configurations. This means that model dependent control strategies are not considered.

A control strategy with a combination of a feedback from the speed difference between the output shaft speed and the wheel speed, and a feed forward with a linear ramp, showed very good performance in both simulations and tests in trucks. The amplitude of the oscillations in the output shaft speed after neutral engagement are halved compared to the results from the existing method in Scania trucks. The new concept is also more robust against initial conditions and time delay estimations.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

A DSP-Based Space Vector Modulation Direct Torque Control of IPM Synchronous Machines

The basic concept of DTC of AC motor drives is to control both stator flux linkage and the electromagnetic torque of the machine simultaneously. Since a DTC-based drive system select the inverter switching states using switching table, neither current controllers nor pulse-width modulation (PWM) modulator is required, as shown in Fig. 1, thereby introducing fast torque dynamics response in comparison with the field oriented vector control technique.

However, this conventional DTC approach has some disadvantages such as; high torque ripple and variable switching frequency, which is varying with speed, load torque and the selected hysteresis bands.

On the other hand to reduce the torque ripple; the hysteresis torque and flux controller bands must be reduced to match the required torque performance, which requires reduction of the system sampling time and it is necessary to use a very fast processing controller.

Although the system sampling frequency can be increased in the conventional DTC the inverter switching frequency is still low, approximately less than one third of the sampling frequency.

The inverter switching frequency can be increased using a dithering signal, by adding a limited amplitude high frequency signal to the torque and flux error signals. Although the switching frequency is increased it is still variable for small error bands

Monday, October 7, 2013

Fire Alarm with Siren Sound

It alerts us when there is a fire accident at home by ringing a siren sound. You might have seen fire alarms earlier but this is quite different as it generates a siren sound instead of a buzzer and also it uses basic components to generate that siren sound.

We are aware that there are many integrated circuits which can be used to generate the siren effect but we preferred to use basic electronics components like resistors, capacitors and transistors to generate it so that you will clearly understand the internal working of it and it will be much useful for you as you will gain more knowledge by analyzing it instead of simply going or pre designed integrated circuits.

When the temperature increases above the set value, the potentiometer arrangement produces a high voltage. This voltage is then given to BC547 transistor in common emitter mode. It is an NPN general purpose transistor. When the  base is given a high input, it gets turned on. When the transistor is turned on, its collector voltage is reduced to low as the collector to emitter voltage decreases. The collector output voltage of the first transistor is given to the base as an input to the second BC 547 NPN transistor. This transistor too is in common emitter mode and as the input is low when the temperature threshold is reached, the output at the collector will rise high. In this state, it will turn on the next transistor, i.e BC107. This transistor will now act as a switch for the siren circuit. This transistor can bear power quite larger than the BC547 and it is also equipped with a heat sink for that purpose.

When the BC107 transistor turns on, it  allows current to pass from power supply to ground through collector thereby acting as an electronically controlled switch. When the current is passing, the siren circuit which is assembled as the load to the circuit is turned ON. Then you can hear the siren sound through the buzzer. The capacitors used in the circuit are the main components in producing the siren effect. The principle involved in generating the siren effect is to make an oscillator with an envelope which periodically increases and decreases so as to generate that effect.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Unbiased Digital Dice with LEDs

With the configuration, the circuit operates as a clock with a frequency of 4.8 kilo hertz. This means that the circuit produces a clock cycle of about 0.000210 seconds which is imperceptible to the human eye. We cannot observe the values which change at that faster rate so there is hardly any possibility of getting the dice biased.

The clock pulses are given to a counter cum decoder circuit IC 4017 with the seventh output given to reset. It has nine possible outputs out of which, the seventh is given to reset because we only need a count upto 6 as a dice has six faces only. The first six outputs are given respectively to the LEDs so that the respective LED will glow for the corresponding count. If the count is 1, LED-1 will glow. If the count if 2, LED-2 will glow and so on until the sixth count. When the count is six, the sixth LED will glow and after that for the next clock pulse the counter will advance and the count increments to seven. In this count, the circuit resets itself as the seventh count is given to the reset pin which is PIN-15. Let me tell you that the power supply pin and ground are not shown in the schematic as it is the standard which the schematic generator which we use generates. However, the power source of 9V is given to the 16th pin of IC 4017 and the 8th pin of IC 4017 is given to ground.

This is how the circuit functions and you can increase the frequency of the circuit if you feel that you need more randomness so that it is very hard to perceive. This circuit can be implemented on a general purpose PCB with a 9V DC power supply.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Water Level Alarm Using 555 Timer

The circuit uses a 555 timer in a stable mode with R1=220 ohms, R2= 150 ohms and C1=1 uF. As we know, the frequency of operation of the IC 555 in a stable mode depends on the values of R1, R2 and C1. By calculating the frequency of the given a stable circuit, we get the frequency to be around 1.18KHz. The frequency at which it operates is in the audio frequency.

The 1K Resistor R3 whose ends are connected to pin-4 and ground disables the circuit by default and it enables when the water reaches its full level when the probes get dipped in water.

The two probes which are shown in the circuit should be kept at the high level for the water. The stable multi vibrator in the circuit is normally disabled and it gets enabled only when the probes touch the water. The distance between the probes should be less than a few centimeters to ensure that the conduction between the probes will take place when water is touched to these probes. When the water level rises to the height of the probes, then the 555 circuit will get enabled and the output of the 555 timer produces a square wave output with a frequency of about 1.18Khz. This output is given to the mini loudspeaker which then beeps at an audio frequency of 1.18KHz.

Friday, October 4, 2013

A Distributed Networked Approach to Fault Diagnosis of Large-Scale Systems

Here it  deals with a class of systems that are becoming ubiquitous in the current and future    "distributed world" made by countless "nodes",which can be cities, computers, people, etc., and interconnected by a dense web of transportation, communication, or social  ties.The     term "network", describing such a collection of nodes and  links, nowadays has become     commonplace thanks to our extensive reliance on "connections of interdependent     systems"   in our everyday life,for building complex technical  systems, infrastructures and  so on. 

In an     increasingly "smarter" planet, it  is expected that such interconnected systems will be safe,    reliable, available 24/7,and of low-cost maintenance.Therefore, health monitoring and fault     diagnosis are of customary importance to ensure high levels of safety, performance,    reliability, dependability, and availability. For example, in the case of industrial plants,faults     and malfunctions can result in off-specification  production,increased operating costs,     production line shutdown,danger conditions for humans, detrimental environmental impact,    and so on.Faults and malfunctions need to be detected promptly and their source and    severity should be diagnosed so that corrective actions can be taken as soon as possible. 

In  the talk, an adaptive approximation-based distributed and networked fault diagnosis   approach for large-scale nonlinear systems will be dealt  with, by exploiting a "divide et    impera" approach in which the overall diagnosis problem is  decomposed into smaller    sub-problems, which can be solved within “local” computation and communication    architectures.The distributed detection,  isolation and identification task  is broken  down    and  assigned  to a network of "Local Diagnostic Units", each having a "local view" of he    system.    These local diagnostic units are allowed to communicate with each other through an    information network  to cooperate on the diagnosis of system components that may be    shared or interconnected.

Thursday, October 3, 2013


Here it describes the development and implementation of a microcontroller system that is used in a sensor network that is used to study the behavior of tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor).

The microcontroller system, traditionally referred to as a “webplug”, is used to measure temperature at nestboxes, control a Peltier device to simulate artificial climate change at the nestboxes, and provide access by HTTP to control and access webplug data. Attrition of original webplugs from past field seasons requires new webplugs to be made; many of the crucial components in the original webplug being obsolete required the design of a new webplug.

A new webplug was developed using a TS-7553 single board computer (SBC) from Technologic Systems. A separate printed circuit board (PCB) was designed and constructed to complement the SBC to provide functions not found on the SBC, including Peltier control and temperature measurement. The new webplug implements all current webplug functions, include measure nestbox temperature, control Peltier to simulate climate change, and host web server to provide HTTP access.

In addition to original webplug functions, the new webplug could also access RFID reader data used in the network to provide real time RFID data. A total of 15 new webplugs were constructed and will be deployed in the 2013 field season.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Monitoring of Actuation Conditions in a Micro-Turbo-Generator

The Monitoring of Actuation Conditions in a Micro-Turbo-Generator presents the theory and implementation
of an integrated sensing technique for the real-time measurement of applied actuation conditions in a micro-turbo-generator. 

The device is composed of a micro turbine rotor with magnetic components and a stator with planar coils for electromagnetic induction.While the rotor is actuated with pressurized nitrogen, the induced voltages are extracted to generate and deliver electrical power as well as to monitor the pneumatic actuation parameters. 

It is demonstrated that the rotor speed, applied gas low rate, and pressure show repeatable high linearity with respect to voltage frequency and amplitude in different devices. Sensitivity values of 83 Hz/krpm, 140 Hz/slm, and 1428 Hz/psi together with R2 values larger than 0.97 are achieved. The integrated sensing technique presented in this paper will eliminate the need for external sensing components in continuous device screening, and  lead to closed-loop control for autonomous tuning of desired operating conditions in rotary micro generators.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Smart Trailing Socket

Trailing Socket (also called Extension or Distribution Socket)have two, three or more sockets (depending on the box dimensions and on constructor's needs) will be powered only when a current flows in the Control Socket.For example: if an electric drill is connected to the Control Socket, the Switched Sockets will be powered each time the electric drill is running. In this case, a lamp could be connected to a Switched Socket and will illuminate when the drill is operating.

Another example: a desk lamp could be connected to the Control Socket and a PC, a Monitor and a Printer could be connected to the Switched Sockets and will be running after the lamp is switched on. Switching off the lamp, all the above mentioned appliances will be automatically switched off.

A further application is the control of a High Fidelity chain, plugging the Power Amplifier in the Control Socket and - for example - CD Player, Tape Recorder, and Tuner in the Switched Sockets. Usually, trailing sockets are placed to the rear of the appliances, often in places not easily reachable, so, even if the socket has a switch, it is much easier to switch on and off the High Fidelity chain from the main amplifier itself.The same consideration is valid for computer-monitor-printer chains etc. Nevertheless, in this case, the use of a table lamp plugged in the Control Socket is almost mandatory, as explained below.

In fact, this very sensitive circuit works fine when appliances having full breaking switches like lamps, drills, most power amplifiers, old radios, old TV sets, fans, almost all electrical household appliances etc. are plugged in the Control Socket. This is because these devices have a switch that fully excludes the internal circuitry from the mains.Unfortunately, in modern devices like computers, monitors, CD players, recent radios and TV sets (usually powered by means of internal "switching" supplies), the power switch does not completely isolate the internal circuitry from the mains, as transient suppressors and other components remain on circuit. This causes a very small current to flow across the sensing circuitry, but sufficient to trigger the output Triac.

Therefore, the switched devices will remain always on, no matter if the control appliance is on or off. This could also happen when devices connected to the mains by means of plug-in power supply adapters are used as control appliances, due to their lack of a mains switch.In spite of this restriction, the circuit can be still useful, due to the high number and variety of devices allowing impeccable performance when they are plugged in the Control Socket.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Touch screen operated industrial oil dispensing system (OIL SCADA)

The project aims in designing a system which is capable of dispensing required amount of oil given by the user through touch screen. This system also provides the security of accessing through password enabled feature. Liquid dispensing systems are quite commonly found in our daily life in different places like offices, Bus stands, Railway stations, Petrol pumps. Here we are going to present modern era liquid dispensing system which is meant to be operated with touch screen interfacing. Operators of the dispensing systems should be trained perfectly so that they hold the controls until the required amount of liquid is dispensed instead of this hard core mechanism we are designing with a touch screen based dispensing system which is going to dispense the particular to the required amount and is turned off immediately, the major advantage here is there is no need for any mandatory person to take care about the system.

 This system needs a password for activation and activates only when password entered is correct. Touch screens provide fast access to any and all types of digital media, with no text-bound interface getting in the way. Faster input can mean better service. Using a touch interface can effectively increase operator accuracy, reduce training time, and improve overall operational efficiencies, thus keeping costs down, a properly designed touch interface can improve each operator's accuracy. Touch screens are practical in automation, which has become even simpler with touch screen technology. Owners familiar with the icon system appreciate touch screens that make automation systems user friendly.

 The system is designed with a Micro Controller which is the heart of the device. It is interfaced with a touch screen based Graphical LCD and a dispensing motor. The user provides input to the device from the touch screen sensor. This input is read by the controller and control starts operating the dispensing motors until the required amount of oil is dispensed. The input from sensor is also displayed on the Graphical LCD for the acknowledgement of the user.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

A Smart card based Prepaid Electricity System

The purpose of this project is to design and develop an intelligent energy metering system that can efficiently control the amount of electricity consumed by the user.Electricity users can buy specific amount of energy to use it only when they needed.This is achieved by interfacing energy meter with smart card technology.

Over the past few years, smart cards have achieved a growing acceptance as a powerful tool for security, identification, and authorization. Financial card issuers are moving to replace magnetic stripe cards with chip cards to reduce counterfeiting and fraud. The increasing computational power placed on the chip along with advances in cryptography has made the smart card a very powerful tool for identification. 

This project features a smart card secure solution for a novel prepaid electricity system. The proposed system uses a controller in addition to a power meter, providing efficient control of the amount of electricity consumed by the user. Since the last decades of the past century, scientists and researchers have been worried about energy conservation. People spend much more power than what they actually need and that results in a huge loss of energy. 

Moreover, the continuous increase in the universal energy prices has resulted in a huge economical loss. Thus we are proposing a prepaid electricity smart card based system so people can buy specific amount of energy to use it only when they need. The purpose of this project is to reduce the power bill defaulter using smart card technology.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Wireless Charger System

The main objective of Wireless Charger System is to charge the mobile battery by using wireless charger. The dream of wireless charging is just to be able to plop your phone on a shelf after work and have it fully charged when you pick it up again on your way out. This technology will replace cables and standardize on one interface, potentially being able to adjust power settings to charge different types of batteries.

In our Wireless charging system there are two circuits, a transmitter circuit and a receiver circuit.The transmitter circuit consists of step down transformer of 230/12V. This transformer steps down 230V AC from main supply to 12V AC. Then that 12V AC is converted into 12V DC with the help of bridge rectifier. After that a 2200/25V capacitor is used to filter the ripples and pure DC is supplied. Then the oscillator circuit oscillates at 10MHz and with the help of transmitting coil it transmits the wireless power.

The receiver circuit receives the power through receiving coil and passes through voltage multiplier circuit (consisting of diode and capacitor voltage multiplier) and through that voltage the mobile charging is achieved.

Wireless charging may one day replace plugs and wires similar to how Wi-Fi and Bluetooth have modernized personal communication. Wireless charging with inductive coupling uses an electromagnetic field that transfers energy from the transmitter to the receiver. Consumers are wild about the convenience of simply placing a portable device on a charging mat. Wireless charging works well with mobile phones, digital cameras, media players, gaming controllers and Bluetooth headsets. Other potential applications are power tools, medical devices, e-bikes and electric cars (EVs).

Friday, September 27, 2013

Forest Fire Detection

satellite sensor system ideal model for ongoing woodland fiery breakout location. The satellite sensor arrangement can catch and conjecture woods fiery breakout more speedily than the time honored satellite-based recognition methodology. This paper predominantly depicts the information gathering and handling in satellite sensor grids for ongoing woods blaze discovery. A neural system technique is had an association with in-arrangement information preparing.

We assess the exhibition of our way by recreations. Satellite sensor grids have been drawing in a considerable number of exploration endeavors around the same time as the past few years. Sensor arrangements, for the most part made out of a few sinks and vast amount o reasonable and minor sensor junctions, have been sent in an assortment of requisitions for example environment overseeing, woods fiery breakout identification, and so on. In this paper we investigate the utilization of satellite sensor grid engineering progressively woodland blaze recognition. The woodland blaze is a lethal danger in the planet: it’s reported that what added up to 77,534 rapidly spreading conflagrations smoldered 6,790,692 sections of land in USA for 2004.

In any case the extended output period and flat determination of satellites confine the viability of the satellite-based woodland blaze identification. Besides, satellites more often than not would not be able to conjecture backwoods fiery breakouts when the blaze is spread uncontrollable. In this paper, we recommend a unique continuous backwoods blaze discovery technique by utilizing satellite sensor system. Our object is to locate and foresee timberland blaze expeditiously and exactly keeping in mind the end goal to minimize the misfortune of backwoods, wild creatures, and folks in the woods fiery breakout.

In our recommended standard, an imposing number of sensor junctions are thickly sent in a timberland. Sensor junctions gather measured information (e.g., temperature, relative stickiness) and send to their individual bunch junctions that synergistically handle the information by developing a neural system. The neural system takes the measured information as information to handle climate record, which measures the probability for the climate to create a blaze. Bunch headers will send climate records to a director junction through the sink.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Over Speed Indication And Automatic Accident Avoiding System For Four Wheeler

This system is used to monitor speed of the vehicle and to avoid the accident by using the proximity sensors.

This over speed indication and automatic accident avoiding system senses the opposite vehicle by the ir proximity detector and stops both the engines and applies auto braking thus preventing the accident. This system is used to read and control the data from the vehicles. And then process it by using microcontroller. The LCD module displays the rpm and the speed of the vehicle. For over speed the alarm raises and alerts the driver.

This contains,
1) Accident sensing module and
2) Rpm Monitoring System

Advantage of these Systems:

1) Save Energy using automatic control systems
2) Less cost to communicate
3) Less power to automate

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Super Intelligent Robot Using Smoke Sensor and Light

Super intelligent robot using smoke sensor and light projects main idea is to develop a robot application which can direct its path automatically based on light.

In this project TCS230 is the color sensor, which senses color intensity and converts into frequency with 50% duty cycle Square waveform. Measurement of frequency is done using micro controller. This sensor is having internally 3 filters and is programmable, to select desired filter. By this we can get selected compositions of the irradiant light. By using this sensor we can find color of the object.

There are two other sensors used in this application mainly light sensing and smoke sensing. Light sensor is used to display color that falls on LDR surface and display color information on LCD display. And the other sensor smoke sensor is used to detect smoke and microcontroller will set alarm.

The LDR color sensor can directly interface with the microcontroller. If this color sensor is irradiant with any color, it produces 3 different frequency outputs to the microcontroller by selecting the respective RGB filters present in it. Then microcontroller calculates HUE % value with these three composition values. According to this calculated HUE value microcontroller displays that color name.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Axial Force Sensor for a Semi-Autonomous Snake Robot

Electronics and Telecommunication project mainly explained about how the semi autonomous snake robot uses the Axial Force sensor. By using this technology we can control the difficulty places in industry. And the snake robot mainly uses the sensors. There use the four sensors in four sides and also use the microcontroller for the purpose of  controlling the robot. In this technology we used sensors whenever the temperature increases in the industry then automatically sensor give the signal to the microcontroller the microcontroller then automatically active the robot and we can avoid the problems in industry. Normally the robots cannot access the data easily but by using the mobile robots in that we used the sensors and microcontroller these are worked with wireless communication. The mobile robot use the 3D technology to find the location, in 3D it uses 3D sensor.

Snake Robot Features and Advantages:
Snake robot is the robot and it consist of many joints and these snake robots are free to move anywhere .this robots can roll, extension and pitch. Firstly implemented the joints close to each other all this become universal joint. This technique is not suitable for all projects; next technology is the joints are made based on angles. This technique is called DOF. Here first take a sphere and next cutting in to half then the two directions can be found, if we rotate that sphere then another two directions also covered. This DOF technique is implemented in the snake robots. this project mainly used in industries.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Solar Tracking System

To implement a solar tracking system which will automatically track sun’s position to increase the efficiency of solar system. The GSM facility is provided within the system which helps the user to monitor the system from anywhere in the world.

Photovoltaic’s is the field of technology and research related to the application of solar cells as solar energy. Solar cells have many applications. Individual cells are used for powering small devices such as electronic calculators. Photovoltaic arrays generate a form of renewable electricity, particularly useful in situations where electrical power from the grid is unavailable such as in remote area power systems, Earth-orbiting satellites and space probes, remote radiotelephones and water pumping applications. Photovoltaic electricity is also increasingly deployed in grid-tied electrical systems.

 Solar Energy has been the power supply of choice for Industrial applications, where power is required at remote locations. Most systems in individual uses require a few kilowatts of power. The examples are powering repeater stations for microwave, TV and radio, telemetry and radio telephones. Solar energy is also frequently used on transportation signaling e.g.  lighthouses and increasingly in road traffic warning signals. Solar's great benefit here is that it is highly reliable and requires little maintenance so it's ideal in places that are hard to get to.

While the output of solar cells depends on the intensity of sunlight and the angle of incidence, it means to get maximum efficiency; the solar panels must remain in front of sun during the whole day. But due to rotation of earth those panels can’t maintain their position always in front of sun. This problem results in decrease of their efficiency. Thus to get a constant output, an automated system is required which should be capable to constantly rotate the solar panel. The Solar Tracking System is made as a prototype to solve the problem, mentioned above. It is completely automatic and keeps the panel in front of sun where we get maximum output.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

PC Controlled Temperature And Obstacle Sensing Robot

An obstacle avoidance and temperature sensing robot which is supervised by the computer is presented in this paper, this computer based temperature and collision control robot based on the radio frequency technology, implemented under the embedded system ultrasonic technology for its design, the main objective is to control the movements of the robot by not manual operation but using radio frequency technology we can achieve wireless control over the mechanical robots, this systems send commands to the robot through the micro controller, here we use a low power and high performance 8051 microcontroller with 8-bit processor, 32 data lines using different  memory types such as UV-EPROM, Flash and NV-RAM these commands are derived from the control systems and based on the computer vision library we can attain obstacle detection through stereo vision, in this system sensors play a vital role in receiving the data, these are the perceptual system in the robot , the temperature sensors i.e. 

Thermostats are the high sensitive temperature elements we use here, our project consists of the following major components, RF receiver and transmitter, RF decoder and encoder, ADC, motor drives for various power ranges, ultrasonic sensor, crystal oscillator.

 The radio frequency technologies paved path for the wireless communications, these RF waves i.e. electromagnetic wave can propagate with the speed equal to light, finds enormous applications in radar, television broadcast divisions. Our project is mainly divided into two sections, Hardware implementation, and Firmware implementation.

In hard ware implementation we discuss about the design and assembly where as in firm ware implementation we come across the micro controller programming, software installations, the project design and implementation is explained with the help of a functional diagram. This sample circuit is implemented by interfacing with the computer and the experimental results are found to be satisfactory proving it is an reliable and effective device for controlling the mechanical movements of the robots with obstacle detection and with minimum collision.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Water Level Indicator

The Water Level Indicator employs a simple mechanism to detect and indicate the water level in an overhead tank or any other water container. The sensing is done by using a set of nine probes which are placed at nine different levels on the tank walls (with probe9 to probe1 placed in increasing order of height, common probe (i.e. a supply carrying probe) is placed at the base of the tank). The level 9 represents the “tank full” condition while level 1 represents the “tank empty” condition.

When the water-level is below the minimum detectable level (MDL), the seven segment displays is arranged to show the digit 1, indicating that the tank is empty, When the water reaches level1 (but is below level2) the connection between the probes gets completed (through the conducting medium – water) and the base voltage of transistor increases. This causes the base-emitter junction of transistor to get forward biased, this switches transistor from cut-off to conduction mode thus PIN (B0) of microcontroller is pulled to ground hence, the corresponding digit displayed by the seven segment display is 2. The similar mechanism applies to the detection of all the other levels. When the tank is full, all inputs to microcontroller become low and all its outputs go high. This causes the display shows a 9 also in this case a buzzer sound is given, thereby indicating a “tank full” condition.

Most water level indicators are equipped to indicate and detect only a single level. The Water Level Indicator implemented here can indicate up to nine such levels and the microcontroller displays the level number on a seven segment display. So, not only is the circuit capable of cautioning a person that the water tank has been filled up to a certain level, it also indicates that the water level has fallen below the minimum detectable level. This circuit is important in appliances such as the water cooler where there is a danger of motor-burnout when there is no water in the radiator used up also it can be used in fuel level indication.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Cell Phone Detector

This is a mobile phone sniffer circuit that can detect the signals being used in the GSM (Global System for Mobile Communication) band at about 900 MHz. Since the signals are digitally encoded, it can detect only the signal activity, not the speech or the message contents. A headphone is used to hear the detected signals.
The circuit schematic is given in the .rar archive attachment. There are two separate detector units. Every detector unit consists of a dipole antenna, a choke and a diode. The antenna receives the GSM signals in media. Then a small amount of charge is induced in the choke. The diode demodulates the signal and finishes detecting. The diodes must be schottky diodes or germanium diodes. Since the forward voltage of a silisium diode is high, it won’t give a sufficient result in this circuit.

LM358 amplifies the received signal. It contains two separate op-amps that are supplied by a common power source. R3 and R7 resistors determine the gain of the amplifiers. When the resistor values are greater than 10M then the noise level increases. If they are small like about 100k, this time it becomes harder to hear the signal.

So there are four pieces of antenna and each one is about 8.3 cm long. The wire type is not critical but its better to choose a fairly thick wire that will not bend too easily. It is a 1.5 mm diameter wire seen in the photo that we used. The two antennas must be positioned perpendicularly.The chokes are 10 turn molded chokes. The wire diameter should be about 0.5 – 06 mm and wound around a 5 mm cylindrical object.

Diodes are very critical. You should use one of BAT43, BAT45, AA112, AA116 or AA119. When a silisium diode is used the circuit also works but the detecting area becomes very very narrow.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Bicycle Generator

This project is a mobile bicycle-powered electrical generator accompanied by a portable battery pack including a charge controller and output regulatory system, which can be used to transfer the generated power to a mobile electronic device or other electrical device. There is also display module to display certain statistics about both the bike ride and the power generation, including current speed, distance traveled, duration, power produced, and current battery charge level.

The purpose of this project is threefold. First, it produces electrical energy from mechanical energy in a renewable, environmentally-friendly form. Second, it provides a mobile electronic charging and usage station for any modern electronic device. And finally, is promotes a healthy, active lifestyle by providing the previous benefits while also being a viable method of transportation and exercise.

The goal of this project is to produce an independent system of electrical generation. The system is used to power any type of electronic device through a USB or 120 VAC connection and can be used anywhere. It eliminates the need for wall outlets to recharge a laptop or cell phone, so it provides a way to take your mobile electronics with you to even more remote places and avoid having to put the device back on a home charge as often. All this while promoting a healthy lifestyle by producing renewable, human-generated energy to power the devices we all rely on in our daily lives.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Micro-controller based power theft detection

Science and technology with all its miraculous advancements has fascinated human life to a great extent that imagining a world without these innovations is hardly possible. While technology is on the raising slope, we should also note the increasing immoral activities. With a technical view, “Power Theft” is a non-ignorable crime that is highly prevalent, and at the same time it directly affects the economy of a nation.

Detecting and eradicating such crimes with the assistance of the developing scientific field is the “Need of the Hour”. With these views was this paper conceived and designed. Our paper provides a complete and comprehensive tool to prevent power theft which is very simple to understand and easy to implement.It includes four sections – transmitting, receiving, counter display and processing sections.

The disc revolutions are sensed into pulses by optical slot sensor.These pulses are shaped and given as control signal to the CMOS switch which bypasses carrier wave generated by PLL provides as input to receiving section where transmitted signal is selected by the Intermediate frequency transformer. For each lock a pulse is sent out. The counter section is designed to send out pulse for every six input pulse from the receiver section. This count is parallely distributed in a 7-segment display and then to μc for further processing. μc performs the function of indication and identification.

We believe our implementation ideas is a boon to the electricity board offering them a chance to detect accurately the location and amount of power theft. Logical view for a digital meter is also included in our presentation.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Automatic emergency light circuit

Main features are automatic switching-on of the light on mains failure and battery charger with overcharge protection.When mains is absent, relay RL2 is in deenergised state, feeding battery supply to inverter section via its contacts and switch S1. The inverter section comprises IC2 (NE555) which is used in stable mode to produce sharp pulses at the rate of 50 Hz for driving the MOSFETs. The output of IC3 is fed to gate of MOSFET (T4) directly while it s applied to MOSFET (T3) gate after inversion by transistor T2. Thus the power amplifier built around MOSFETs T3 and T4 functions in push-pull mode.

The output across secondary of transformer X2 can easily drive a 230-volt, 20-watt fluorescent tube. In case light is not required to be on during mains failure, simply flip switch S1 to off position.

Battery overcharge prevented circuit is built around IC1 (LM308). Its non inverting pin is held at a reference voltage of approximately 6.9 volts which is obtained using diode D5 (1N4148) and 6.2-volt zener D6. The inverting pin of IC1 is connected to the positive terminal of battery. Thus when mains supply is present, IC1 comparator output is high, unless battery voltage exceeds 6.9 volts. So transistor T1 is normally forward biased, which energies relay RL1. In is state the battery remains on charge via N/O contacts of relay RL1 and current limiting resistor R2. When battery voltage exceeds 6.9 volts (overcharged condition), IC1 output goes low and relay RL1 gets de-energized, and thus stops further charging of battery. MOSFETs T3 and T4 may be mounted on suitable heat sinks.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Application Specific Instruction Set Processor for a Specific DSP Task

There is a lot of literature already available describing well-structured approach for embedded design and implementation of Application Specific Integrated Processor (ASIP) micro processor core.

This concept features hardware structured approach for implementation of processor core from minimal instruction set, encoding standards, hardware mapping, and micro architecture design,coding conventions, RTL,verification and burning into a FPGA.

The goal is to design an ASIP processor core (Micro architecture design and RTL) which can perform DSP task, e.g., FIR. There port is a well structured approach of design and implementation of an ASIP DSP processor for DSP applications like FIR. This report contains design flow starting from Instruction set design,micro architecture design and RTL implementation of the core. Details of the power simulations of FPGA are also listed and analyzed.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Automation of Cars using Embedded Systems Technology

In the Automation of Cars system we have a receiver and it receives the signals from the transmitter. We can use microprocessor based design or a microcontroller based design depending on the requirement. We can use a finger scanner for locking the car and a navigator can be placed in the car which gives the location of the car and we can get the direction to the destination by using GPS technology.

Air bags can be set in cars which work on embedded technology and safe the people in the car when accidents occur. We can use a break monitoring system which gives us the information when any disturbances occur in the break system. We can use a sensor based system in the car which automatically reduces the speed of the car or applies breaks when an obstacle is found during the night time.

Embedded Systems Introduction:
The technical developments advancements have brought various changes in all the fields. The development in embedded technology led to development of various intelligence systems. The advancements in embedded systems have brought a lot of changes in the automation systems. To reduce the frequent occurrence due to the failure of the breaks or due to reduction in light intensities in night time we need automation systems which can be developed by embedded technology.

Future Enhancements:
The automated cars have a lot of advantages and help the drivers for a smooth ride and it always monitors the vehicle by which the chance of occurrence of accidents gets decreased. The Google Company is designing a automated car which can go without the driver as it is driven automatically and it is in attesting stage and it will come into use within a few years.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

RS485 based SCADA system for longer distance powered devices

The system makes use of RS485 based communication which is suitable of transferring data over longer distances.The RS-485 is the recommend standard by the Electronic Industries Association (EIA) that specifies the electrical characteristics of generators and receivers that may be employed for the interchange of binary signals in multipoint interconnection of digital equipments. When implemented within the guidelines, multiple generators and receivers may be attached to a common interconnecting cable. An interchange system includes one or more generators connected by a balanced interconnecting cable to one or more receivers and terminating resistors.
This project consists of two Microcontroller based motherboards one dedicated with the sensors and the other at the display end. This display unit is provided for the user interface to view the parameter levels. Both the controllers are connected using Rs-485 cables for transmitting the data from one to other. The Receiver controller receives the data from the other microcontroller and takes the responsibility to display the data into the LCD. The motherboard at the other end is provided with few sensors such as voltage sensor, current sensor and frequency sensor. These sensors monitor the load conditions of the device to which it connected and provides the same to the controller.
 The sensors, which we are employing, are meant to monitor very high voltage devices that we come across in industrial environment. There is a requirement for very sensitive interfacing between the sensors, controller and the high voltage devices. These interfacing protect the controller from damage. We also make use of the ADC module which available internally in a microcontroller to read the input from these sensors.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Hybrid Solar Wind Charger

The commonly used Uninterrupted Power Supply systems take its power directly from the supply mains and consumes much higher energy for its functioning. Considering the energy availability crisis and higher living cost, it is necessary to find an alternative power source for such a system. Here, we propose a system to design a UPS which will utilize the everlasting solar and wind power, thereby checking the energy crisis to a certain limit and is termed as “HYBRID CHARGER”.

Since hybrid systems include both solar and wind power, they allow the power user to benefit from the advantages provided of both forms of energy. Obviously, solar panels don’t provide power during the night, but that’s when the wind usually picks up and conversely, on the longest, hottest days of days of summer, the wind often doesn’t blow, but the sun is at its strongest great for solar power. The wind is more likely to blow during the cold, short days of winter when the sun is at its weakest. A purely solar power solution for general lighting load is very expensive as far as initial investment is concerned. Also, due to frequent power failure, a regular battery backup UPS/INVERTER barely gets time to charge the battery from mains. The hybrid version combines solar energy, wind energy and mains utility to give an excellent solution by providing the best of both worlds. While proposing this project of designing a hybrid charger, the following data must be taken into account.

Although fossil fuels have led us to economic prosperity, the extensive use has caused a substantial reduction of fossil fuels. Therefore, the solar energy, as one of the green energy resources, has become an important alternative for the future. It can be considered to use the parallel loaded resonant converter with the feature of the soft switching technique in the circuits of the solar storage battery charger. To avoid the damage of the battery charger due to the variation of the output current of the solar PV panels, a closed-loop boost converter between the solar PV panel and the battery charger was designed to stabilize the output current of the solar PV panel. By designing the characteristic impedance of the resonant tank, the charging current of the storage battery can be calculated and then the charging time for the storage battery can further be estimated. 

By properly designing the circuit parameters, the parallel loaded resonant converter can be operated in the continuous current conduction mode and the switch can be switched for conduction at zero voltage. Such experimental results verified the correctness of the theoretic estimation for the proposed battery charger circuit. The average charging efficiency of the battery charger can be up to 88.7%.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Remote Access Control And Automation System For Electronic Appliances Using Telephone Line

The aim of the project is to secure television from natural interrupts. Here in this project, we use telephone line as control media. The project allows us to control TV. All we have to do is to connect the gadget to our telephone lines and the output lines of gadget to access the appliance.

If any calls arrived are sensed by dial sensing unit and then transmit the data to TV receiver. The data is thus transferred to our TV via radio frequency waves. Our gadget automatically detects the incoming phone call. Then it notices the data and turns on/off the mute/power. Thus the project is much useful to secure via telephone line. This project allows as controlling equipments using RF technology. Here FM signals are used as controlling media. Here in this project, the user is provided with a RF remote which consists of a keypad and a FM transmitter to transmit the signals transferred. 

The master unit consists of a FM receiver and a microcontroller for enabling /disabling the device selected in handset with the use of relays. Thus this simple gadget allows the user to access the home appliances / any appliances wirelessly from any section of the campus since the FM waves can travel anywhere via the buildings /walls and doors where an IR remote is directional and can’t penetrate through walls or doors. Thus this Project is highly Effective, Very Economical and much simple to use.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Cell Phone Operated Robot

Radio control is used to remotely control a device that uses radio signals. Model vehicles from a hand-held radio transmitter term often used to refer to the control. Organizations, industrial, military and scientific research [traffic] as well as the use of radio-controlled vehicles. This often control the vehicle, or an infrared controller between a radio control device, cable. A remote control vehicle (Als called as RCV) is always controlled by a human and there is no autonomous positive action that which makes it to differ from a robot. One of the key technologies that underpin the region's remote control vehicle. It is vital that a vehicle should be capable of proceeding accurately to a target area to fulfill its mission and returning equally accurately and safely to base.

A recent Sony Ericsson introduced
remote control car which can be controlled by Bluetooth mobile phone. It does not require the vehicle to be limited by the length of the cable or the line of sight because the radio is the most popular. Bluetooth is still too expensive to be commercially viable and lower limits.

The contemporary keypad is laid out in a 3×4 grid, although the original DTMF keypad had an additional column for four now-defunct menu selector keys. When used to dial a telephone number, pressing a single key will produce a pitch consisting of two simultaneous pure tone sinusoidal frequencies. The row in which the key appears determines the low frequency, and the column determines the high frequency. For example, pressing the '1' key will result in a sound composed of both a 697 and a 1209 hertz (Hz) tone. The original keypads had levers inside, so each button activated two contacts. The multiple tones are the reason for calling the system multifrequency. These tones are then decoded by the switching center to determine which key was pressed.

The engineers had envisioned phones being used to access computers, and surveyed a number of companies to see what they would need for this role. This led to the addition of the number sign (#, sometimes called 'octothorpe' in this context) and asterisk or "star" (*) keys as well as a group of keys for menu selection: A, B, C and D. In the end, the lettered keys were dropped from most phones, and it was many years before these keys became widely used for vertical service codes such as *67 in the United States and Canada to suppress caller ID.

The U.S. military also used the letters, relabeled, in their now defunct Autovon phone system. Here they were used before dialing the phone in order to give some calls priority, cutting in over existing calls if need be. The idea was to allow important traffic to get through every time. The levels of priority available were Flash Override (A), Flash (B), Immediate (C), and Priority (D), with Flash Override being the highest priority

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Air bags - Embedded Technology

Air bags can be set in cars which work on embedded technology and safe the people in the car when accidents occur. We can use a break monitoring system which gives us the information when any disturbances occur in the break system. We can use a sensor based system in the car which automatically reduces the speed of the car or applies breaks when an obstacle is found during the night time.

Monday, September 9, 2013

High-Speed and Low-Power Multipliers Using the Baugh-Wooley Algorithm and HPM Reduction Tree

The modified-Booth algorithm is extensively used for high-speed multiplier circuits. Once, when array multipliers were used, the reduced number of generated partial products significantly improved multiplier performance.

In designs based on reduction trees with logarithmic logic depth, however, the reduced number of partial products has a limited impact on overall performance. The Baugh-Wooley algorithm is a different scheme for signed multiplication, but is not so widely adopted because it may be complicated to deploy on irregular reduction trees.

Multiplication is an important arithmetic operation and multiplier implementations date several decades back in time. Multiplications were originally performed by iteratively utilizing the ALU’s adder.

As timing constraints became stricter with increasing clock rates, dedicated multiplier hardware implementations such as the array multiplier were introduced. Since then ever more sophisticated methods on how to implement multiplications have been proposed.

One of the more popular implementations is that of the modified-Booth recoding scheme together with a logarithmic-depth reduction tree and a fast final adder. Modified-Booth recoding has the advantage of reducing the number of generated partial products by half, compared to  artial-product generation based on 2-input AND-gates.

This fact decreases the size of the reduction circuitry, which commonly is a logarithmic-depth reduction tree, e.g. Wallace, Dadda or TDM. Since such reduction trees are infamous for their irregular structures, which make them difficult to place and route during the physical layout of a multiplier, a decreased size of the reduction circuit eases the implementation and improves the performance of the multiplier.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Electronic Valve Actuation in Combustion Engine

This project provides a method for electronically actuating the valves used in an internal combustion engine. This method for valve actuation looks at utilizing the expected change to a 42V standard in motor vehicles. It also provides a simplified model elaborating how this principle works.

The advantage of electronic valve actuation is that it provides an easy method of infinitely varying the valve timing in internal combustion engines. The relationship between the desired open and shut intervals of the intake and exhaust valves vary with respect to engine speed. The current methods of valve actuation involve using an outdated mechanical method that ensures that the timing cannot readily be changed to suit the vehicle’s needs.

With more efficient timing intervals utilized, electronic valve actuation will lead to reduced fuel consumption and improved power in motor vehicles.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Simulation of Emission Related Faults on a Diesel Engine

Today’s legislation on exhaust gas emissions for heavy duty diesel (HDD) vehicles is more stringent than ever and will be even more tough in the future. More over, in a few years HDD vehicles have to be equipped with OBD (On-Board Diagnostics). This place very high demands on the manufacturers to develop better engines and strategies for OBD. As an aid in the process models can be used.

This study presents extensions of an existing diesel engine model in Matlab/Simulink to be able to simulate emissions during standardized european test cycles. Faults in the sensor and actuator signals are implemented into the model to find out if there is an increase or decrease in the emissions. This is used to create a fault tree where it can be seen why predefined emission thresholds are exceeded. The tree is an aid when developing OBD.

The results from the simulations showed that almost no faults made the emissions cross the thresholds. The only interesting faults were faults in the ambient temperature sensor and the injection angle actuator. This means that the OBD-system only needs to monitor a few components which implies a smaller system and less work.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Electrical Engineering in India

The Electrical Engineering  field first became  main  occupation in the late nineteenth century with the commercialization of the electric telegraph and electrical power supply well now when you think about an Electrical engineer  we get an impression of a guy with wires and boards all around ,well the same as we saw in   recent film “JOBS” Well this is almost the correct description .These Engineers basically does a lot of things to be mentioned like PCB Layout , Circuit design , Making assembly drawings ,microprocessors Build and test first articles They are also involved in taking care of different kind of servers .In brief from circuit design plan to actually design it then test it then actually making it better based on consumer’s choice .Its all the way an electrical engineers job .

A good Electrical Engineer will be anybody who is naturally inquisitive about how stuff works and who has the ability it to tear apart their or somebody else electrical equipment and fix it back , talking about in India during first year of engineering electrical engineering curriculum students learn about Common engineering courses like Mathematics, Physics, Engineering Drawing and Bit of  computer programming .  second year  onwards they will learn about Thermodynamics, electronics, signal processing and instrumentation, signals, systems and electric networks, microelectronics, control systems, communication systems, power systems, electromagnetic systems, electrical machines, and power generation techniques. By the end of final year students will be well equipped with the understanding of working and application of electric systems and engineering.

In current market trend Electrical engineers are expected  designing, maintaining, implementing, and improving electrical equipment. They must apply principles of electrical theory to the projects, and must additionally inspect completed projects to ensure conformance with design standards. It also  include beginning  conceptual development, layout and selections of the equipment, development of contract drawings, specification writing, bid package preparation, On field investigations, Computer programming skills are generally a bonus in these positions .Well these skill sets generally are just right for getting a much coveted Electrical Engineer Job in India .One thing in which people lack is  their readiness to the industry as HR call it, basically communication part and skilled /certification in the necessary  area in which they might have to work on .

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Electrical Engineers in India vs US

Electrical Engineering Job is quite fascinating for the people who loves to work with electricity, circuit boards and wires .They Design from digital meter on your Car Dashboard to the control circuits in new Age Robots they also write hard coded programs inside the chips by so call embedded software’s .In other words they work on almost every gadget with which we interact on daily basis.

Now let’s take a look at what it takes to be an electrical engineer in United States. As a basic rule you should enjoy science and mathematics with an eye for detail as to how stuff works.
It takes an around five years - after 10+2 years of high school - to complete the requirements for a B.Sc in electrical engineering. This is equivalent to around 120-128 credit hours. Candidates normally take   five courses (Around 12-16 credit hours) for eight to ten semesters, with two semesters in a year. There are many variations on these study programs for example; a 3-2 dual-degree program can lead to 2 degrees, one in The EE and the other  being in physics, in a total of five year respectively.

Talking about job wise According to Graduating Engineer magazine, job opportunities for new engineers are projected to be four percent greater for the year 2013, with starting pay averaging $40,000 a year.

Now let’s talk about the same profession and Job aspects in India. Profession wise there is very less or almost no difference in what Electrical Engineer do in United states on in India .The minute difference may be because US is well developed nation with most works done with machine rather than labor intensive otherwise it’s all the same .When we talk about earning a B.Sc. degree, for electrical engineer its same .A candidate should  have completed his 10+2 schooling with Physics and Mathematics as majors .There are around thousands of  engineering colleges in India which includes world renowned IIT as well .Now let’s talk about job opportunities for an Electrical engineer in India . Electrical engineers hold just around 10 percent of all engineering jobs. However  while the (BLS)Bureau of Labor Statistics projects an 11% increase in engineering jobs between 2006 -2016, the specialty of electrical engineering is expected to grow by just percentage . High demand for wireless systems and power generators will boost job prospects in future for sure.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Electrical Engineering Job Aspects

Electrical engineering is concerned with research, design, development, manufacture, installation, operation, maintenance and management of equipment, plant and systems within the electrical, electronic, communication and computer systems areas. These activities can apply to electricity generation, transmission, distribution, electrical installations in buildings and on industrial sites, electrical equipment manufacture, instrumentation and control systems applications in industry, communications networks, electronic plant and equipment, and also the integration and control of computer systems.

Why to opt for Electrical engineering? 
  • It's easy to get your first job - Access to Jobs
  • You can work in another country - Universal Appeal
  • Students can be extended to employment
  • You gain a wide range of knowledge during your studies – Variety and diversity
  • New stuff gets out all the time , it never gets boring – A practical Field
  • Exercise your creativity and gain practical skills.
  • Electrical engineers will earn the highest salaries in the field – Highly paid.
  • There are several specialty fields within Electrical Engineering, including Automatic Controls, Digital Systems (Computer Systems), Electromagnetics, Electronics, Electrical Power and Communication and Signal Processing.

Job Industries:

  • Expanding satellite communications for mobile telephone users (telecommunications)
  • Developing electronics and power equipment for aircraft and spacecraft (aerospace)
  • Designing life support systems (bioengineering)
  • Designing and evaluating manufacturing techniques (manufacturing)
  • Developing new amusement park rides (service industry)
  • Teaching college or university courses related to electrical and electronics engineering (academic and research)