
Friday, February 8, 2013

Electrical Measurement Definitions

Electrical Measurement Definitions
frequency f hertz (Hz) 1/s
force F newton (N) kg·m/s²
pressure p pascal (Pa) = N/m² kg/m·
energy E work joule (J) = N·m kg·m²/s²
power P watt (W)= J/s kg·m²/s³
electric charge Q coulomb(C) = A·s
voltage V volt (V)= W/A kg·m²/A.s³
capacitance C farad (F)= C/V = A·s/V = s/Ω  ·s4/kg·
inductance L henry (H)= Wb/A = V·s/A kg·m²/A²·
resistance R ohm (Ω) = V/A kg·m²A²·
conductance G siemens (S)= A/V ·s³/kg·
magnetic flux Φ weber (Wb) = V·s kg·m²/A·
flux density F tesla (T) = Wb/m² = V·s/m² kg/A·

The flow of electric charge Q is referred to as an electrical current I. The amount of charge per unit time is the change in electrical current. A current flows at a constant value I. during the time t, it transports the charge Q = I × t. For a temporally constant power, the relationship between the charge and current:
I = Q / t or Q = I × t. Through this relationship, the basic units of amps and second the Coulomb in International System of Units is set. The Coulomb unit can be represented as 1 C = 1 A × s.

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